Produkte>Biblia Hebraica Quinta with Apparatus | BHQ (8 vols.)

Biblia Hebraica Quinta with Apparatus | BHQ (8 vols.)

Digitale Logos-Edition

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287,99 $

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On the initiative of the United Bible Societies, and with the sponsorship of the German Bible Society which has special responsibility for the publication of scientific editions, the first fascicles of a new edition of Biblia Hebraica are now available.

This is a manual edition (editio minor), in the Biblia Hebraica tradition, produced for serious students of the Hebrew Bible. It aims to provide them with a clear presentation of the surviving evidence of the BHQ as a diplomatic presentation of text and Masorah (magna and parva) of the manuscript EBP. I B 19a, in the Russian National Library in St. Petersburg, commonly known as the Leningrad Codex, cited from new color photographs made by the Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center of Claremont, California. As the oldest complete manuscript of the Hebrew Bible, it serves as the base text against which other witnesses are collated.

A general introduction in English, German and Spanish presents the edition, characterizes the text and Masorah of the base text, the particular use of resources, the relation of BHQ to BHS and previous editions, standards of collation and citation of witnesses, and a comprehensive list of sigla and abbreviations in the edition.

An introduction to each book discusses the particular textual features of that book and characterizes the ancient witnesses. Each book is also accompanied by a commentary. Here the editors discuss their decisions, translate the Masorah magna and note problems with the Masorah magna and parva, and where possible resolve them.

This collection contains nine of the currently available fascicles and will download as twenty-five separate resources.

  • Includes an introduction to each book, discussing the particular textual features of that book and characterizes its textual witnesses.
  • Lays out poetic texts according to the Masoretic accentuation.
  • Fully collates Qumran and the Judean Desert fragments.
  • Adrian Schenker, Fribourg (President of the Editorial Committee)
  • Yohanan A.P Goldman, Fribourg
  • Arie van der Kooij, Leiden
  • Carmel McCarthy, Dublin
  • Gerard J. Norton, Dublin
  • Stephen Pisano, Rome
  • Rolf Schäfer, Stuttgart
  • Jan de Waard, Strasbourg
  • Richard D. Weis, Lexington
  • Title: Biblia Hebraica Quinta with Apparatus
  • Publisher: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft
  • Volumes: 8
  • Resources: 25
  • Format: Digital > Logos Edition
  • Resource ID: {B356CD27-FBE5-42BA-BFED-D98EEAE1DFDB}
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3 Bewertungen

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  1. Hernando Cardenas O.
  2. Nycholas Maia

    Nycholas Maia


    In the future, this digital resource will have the Logos morphology feature?
  3. Nycholas Maia

    Nycholas Maia


    Why in the BQH web page description this Logos resource is called "editio minor"? Isn't BQH a "editio major"? I have a printed edition of Deuteronomy from BQH and it looks like the Logos Digital BQH (Clicking in the preview button). Questions: 1) Why the description is calling the BHQ as a "edition minor"? 2) Is there any content/apparatus difference between the Logos Digital BHQ resource and the printed BHQ books?
  4. 김삼열



  5. Lee Roy Martin

    Lee Roy Martin


    Keep on the alert for transcribing errors, such as וַיֵּ֥לֶך׃ for וַיֵּ֥לֶךְ in Judges 1:3 and 22 other places.
  6. Sergio Castrillon
    This is an astonishing BH edition. Its apparatus is full of information and the introduction in several languages makes it more accessible. Nonetheless, it doesn't have the Logos morphology feature.

287,99 $

Sammlungswert: 359,99 $
72,00 $ (20%) Rabatt
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