Digitale Logos-Edition
This Hebrew volume of the Dictionary of Biblical Languages (DBL) provides a comprehensive resource for the student of Biblical Hebrew. The text is ordered by GK (Goodrick-Kohlenberger) numbers, and most definitions are also categorized by semantic domain according to the numbering system set forth in the Louw-Nida Lexicon (also available for the Libronix Digital Library System). This Hebrew volume of the DBL is a centralized source of information about Biblical Hebrew, with numerous links to other resources for comparison.
“refuge, i.e., safety and free from danger as a figurative extension of a place of refuge or shelter” (source)
“right, upright, i.e., what is morally innocent and proper according to a standard (1Sa 12:23)” (source)
“life, i.e., the state of animate life, which of course is the contrast of death (Ge 2:7” (source)
“pertaining to being ceremonially or ritually clean” (source)
“laugh, i.e., make a guttural sound related to irony or humor, often with the associative meaning of mocking or reviling” (source)
Read Using DBL's Semantic Domains to find out how this resource can enhance your Old Testament word study.
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Joel Pavaneli
Andre Jackson
Hyoungil Lee
Douglas Ray
Jacob Israel